Irelands Emergency Services An Gards Siochana


Years of experience in this field

An Garda Síochána

An Garda Síochána is the national police service of Ireland

An Garda Síochána is the police service responsible for the nearly 5 million residents of the Republic of Ireland. Here at Irish Emergency Services RPC, we offer you the choice to experience four of their main divisions in depth.

They are the Regular, the Roads Policing Unit, the Armed Support Unit and the Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau. We also have specialist trainings for the Emergency Response Unit, Air Support Unit, Dog Unit and much more!

The mission of An Garda Síochána is to works with communities to protect and Serve.

Some of An Garda Síochána’s core functions include:

The regular unit deals with your day-to-day work both in the station behind the counter as well as on the beat and in the car responding to 999/112 calls or calls into the station.

The roads policing unit deals with traffic related incidents including mobile phone use, lack of seatbelts, intoxicated driving, speeding, RTCs and defective vehicles. They provide a high visibility presence on the roads to deter motorists from contravening the Road Traffic Act. They also play a crucial role in denying criminals the use of the roads.

The armed support unit deals with all serious armed calls in the region. Equipped with sub-machine guns, tasers, handguns and high-powered vehicles, these members are trained to combat any call involving a weapon. They respond to the need of unarmed Gardaí in tense situations.

The detective branch deals with serious crimes including assaults, robberies, armed burglaries, gang violence and much more. They investigate local serious crimes as well as target the sale and supply of drugs.

National Support Services:
National Bureau of Criminal Investigation
Criminal Assets Bureau
National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau
Garda National Economic Crime Bureau
Garda National Cyber Crime Bureau
Garda National Immigration Bureau
Technical Bureau

Operational Support Unit:
Air Support Unit
Water Unit
Dog Unit
Mounted Unit

Garda Crime & Security Branch:
Special Detective Unit
Emergency Response Unit
National Surveillance Unit
Public Order Unit
Central Vetting Unit

Garda Information Services Centre
Community Relations Unit
Garda Síochána College
Garda Síochána Reserve