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Based on Ireland’s Emergency Services

Exclusive vehicle models, character models and training make us the most realistic around. We offer a realistic role-play experience in the Gardaí, the Ambulance Service, the Fire Service and other emergency services roles along with criminal (civilian) roles. If you cannot play in GTA V for PC right now - don’t worry! You can join our out-of-game control team who are equipped with the latest communications technology.

Can I get involved?

Providing you meet our eligibility requirements and are willing to agree to a few simple rules, yes you can!

You can learn more about these rules, requirements and how to join on our joining page, available here:

Irelands Emergency Services Role Playing Community Garda
Irelands Emergency Services Role Playing Community Garda

An Garda Síochána

Irelands Emergency Services Role Playing Community Fire Brigade

Fire Services

Irelands Emergency Services Role Playing Community Ambulance Services

National Ambulance Service

Irelands Emergency Services Civilians


Control Room